Access to Self Service for Grading
Banner Self Service can be accessed via the my.AState portal.
my.AState >>
Instructions for grading in Banner Self-Service 9 and Canvas can be found below:
Instructions for Grading in Banner Self Service >>
Instructions for Grading in Canvass >>
Please note that ALL grades that are submitted into Self-Service at the time of a roll will be updated into academic history. This means that grades for these students can no longer be changed through the system and a grade change form (available here) will need to be completed and submitted to our office.
WN and Final Grading Deadlines
WN Grading and Final Grading deadlines for full-session, first session, and second session courses for all academic terms are listed on the Academic Calendar, found here.
Final Grading Window
Faculty can add, delete and update final grades up until grades are posted into academic history (i.e. moved to student's transcripts). Once the final grading worksheet is turned off and grades have been posted, or "rolled" as it is frequently called, the grades are locked and students are able to view the grades in Banner Self-Service and on their transcripts. Any grade changes after the grading period require a Change of Grade form. Please be aware that during grade rolls, final grading may be temporarily unavailable.
WN Grade Eligibility
Students who attend one or more classes are not eligible for the WN grade.
Faculty are asked to assign a grade of WN (withdrawal for non attendance) to students who have never attended a single class during the first 11 class days of the Fall and Spring Semesters and first 5 class days of the Summer I and Summer II terms.
Although faculty are asked to assign WNs it is often difficult to track attendance during the first few days because of the University's flexible course add/drop policy.
Web Classes
WN can only be assigned for students who have never logged into Canvas for online classes. Students who have logged into Canvas at any time once the term has begun are NOT eligible for a WN even if they have not completed any assignments. These students must complete the normal drop or withdrawal process.
Financial Obligations
The WN grade removes all financial obligations associated with the course.
Student Responsibility
Students are responsible for dropping/withdrawing from all classes they are not attending. Students should not depend on the University to assign a grade of WN. Students should review their schedule of classes using Self Service to make sure their enrollment is accurate. They should check their midterm grades as soon as they are available to confirm their enrollment is still accurate. Students should check their transcript at the end of final grading each semester to be sure it accurately reflects their enrollment and grades. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary financial obligations and inappropriate grades (usually F's).
Students who find a mistake need to contact the Registrar's Office for proper procedures immediately upon discovery. It is the student's responsibility to make sure their transcript is an accurate reflection of the student's registration and participation in the course(s) at ASU.
To get reinstated to a class after being dropped for non-attendance. Not to be used if student accidentally drops a class online. A memo from the instructor on department letterhead must be submitted stating the student has been attending.
Submit the Reinstatement Form >>
The WN grade will only be granted or may be appealed through the first day of classes of the following fall or spring semester, whichever comes first.
IP Grade
Theses and dissertations initially receive the grade of IP (In Progress) during the final grading period. The grade of IP assists to resolve issues that have arisen due to financial aid and/or student loan deferment. The Office of the Registrar assist faculty by entering a grade of IP on all graduate level theses and dissertations before final grading is made available.
Once a student has completed their thesis/dissertation and applied for graduation, the Office of the Registrar will update the IP grade to either CR (Credit) or NC (No Credit) during the graduation checkout process, after confirmation from the student's thesis/dissertation advisor.
Incomplete Grades and Change of Grade Forms
Incomplete grades can be issued during the final grading period directly in Banner Self-Service. When the student has completed his or her work and you are ready to change the I grade to their earned grade, a Change of Grade form must be submitted to update the grade.
Unless otherwise noted by the instructor, all work must be completed by the student and the instructor must turn in the official Change of Grade form to the Office of the Registrar by the end of the next regular semester. If not, the I will become an F.